Faithfully Go! began in 2009, as a response to assist in the redeveloping efforts in the affected communities of the Cinchona earthquake in the Central Volcanic Region of Costa Rica. The focus of FG! has been to engage in educational initiatives using a “glocal” approach. This means that each project undertaken is a response to the desires of the local community and utilizes local assets while networking with national and international partnerships. Rather than waiting for and depending on outside support, the community offers local assets to the national and global educational community. In this way, the local communities are able to provide for their own educational needs and desires. In this way FG! started the areas first high school, achieved the highest average test scores nationally under our form of education, and have graduated students that are studying both internationally and nationally across many universities.

The FG! model of development is focused on utilizing local assets for both community based projects and for how we live. As a result FG! and our workers do not solicit funds for our daily living needs or for our projects but rather work with our hands to provide for these means as instructed by Jesus in Matthew 10, Mark 6, Luke 9, and Luke 10 and modeled by the Apostle Paul in Acts 20:33-35, 1 Thess 2:9, and 2 Thess 3:7-9. We believe that this model is reproducible by any believer who has a desire to work and be of assistance to their community or to any community they feel called to serve and to live out the Great Commission, regardless of their access to finances.

We are excited about transforming how organizations go out by offering an alternative method that cuts the dependency on donations and fundraising.